Hope mission

Reasons for Hope

August 8, 2016

The Bush Foundation works to inspire and support creative problem solving. That means we spend a lot of time thinking about problems. Thinking about problems can be dispiriting and painful. That is particularly true when the problems directly affect the lives of our staff and their communities.

But we also get to spend a lot of time with people who are taking on tough problems and working to make our communities better for everyone. That energizes us and it gives us hope. 

Through our fellowship work, we are reminded of the power of individual action. We see people who are

  • finding creative ways to share stories of immigrant experiences.
  • working to build a new movement of youth leadership among the people of Native nations.
  • translating personal experience as a gang member and felon to help others see new possibilities for their lives.
  • using music to bring people together across religious differences and find peaceful approaches to countering extremism.

 This gives us hope. 

Through our grant programs, we see institutions coming together in new ways to address community challenges. We see organizations that are

  • working in radical collaboration to transform communities, from Northfield, Minn. to north Minneapolis.
  • committing to bold collective goals, like eliminating homelessness, ending generational family violence and transforming the foster care system.
  • incorporating Native language and traditions to make education and other systems more relevant and more effective.
  • forging alliances of cross-sector leaders within cultural communities to advance larger community agendas. 

This gives us hope. 

We are glad to be part of the #ReasonsforHope campaign. When it is hardest to find hope is when we need it most.

-Jen Ford Reedy