2023 Bush Fellows retreat

Bush Fellowship

Investing in individual leadership growth

For almost 60 years, we have supported the game-changing leadership of people from all over the region. Our founder, Archie Bush, believed in people and supporting their growth.

We believe that all sorts of people can lead and drive change. Leadership isn’t a role or a title. It can show up in lots of ways. We also believe that the future of our region will be defined by what the people in our communities believe they can do and be. The Bush Fellowship is an investment in that belief. 

We support people who are already doing big things for the region so that they can be the best versions of themselves to create bigger changes within their communities.

2025 Bush Fellowship applications open on Tuesday, Sep. 17 and close at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024.

Questions or curious to know if this might be the opportunity for you? We want to hear from you! Our inquiry line is full, but you can still reach us at staff@bushfoundation.org or 651-379-2249 with any questions.

What is the bush fellowship program?

The Bush Fellowship is an investment in people and their capacity to do more good for the region — and it’s super flexible.

Up to 30 Bush Fellows are selected to receive up to $150,000 over two years to grow their capacity, knowledge and network to lead. Fellows come from all sectors, including business, nonprofit, and government.

Fellows have a vision for radical change they see is needed in — and informed by — their community. To pursue that change, they have a clear idea of how to design a Fellowship plan that helps them bring their ideas to life. The Fellowship is not about working on a project, it’s about your personal growth as a leader.

Bush Fellows are committed to leading equitably to create large-scale change. They have influence with a proven track record of making good change happen. They are experienced problem solvers, able to get results. They are sought after for help, advice, connections and inspiration. They bring in wide-ranging perspectives to help inform and make decisions. They don’t let obstacles stop them. They make mistakes and learn from them. They generously share what they know and help others grow as leaders.

While this is an incredibly competitive program — in recent years, we’ve averaged 600+ applications — we also hear from applicants that the process itself was valuable in helping them think about their own roles and ability to create change.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, please check out the Bush Fellowship!

How do I know if a fellowship is for me?

You might have heard stories about people who have applied for a Fellowship multiple times before they found success. And other stories of people who stick the landing on their first try. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if a Fellowship is right for you at this time:

  • Do you have time for the Fellowship at this point in your life? For some people, that means pausing other things to focus on the Fellowship
  • Depending on the change you are hoping to help make happen, are you connected enough to the community or communities impacted and knowledgeable enough about the issue(s) to be credible as a leader? There is a lot you can do to get grounded and connected before seeking a Fellowship to make you a stronger applicant and make the Fellowship experience more powerful for you. 
  • Have you been thinking about how you want to develop your leadership? Have you considered how your leadership will help advance big ideas within your community?
  • Do you have a clear idea for how you would use a Fellowship — both the funds and the time it provides you?

Still not sure? Let’s talk! Email us at staff@bushfoundation.org or call 651-379-2249. We can’t wait to talk with you about the Bush Fellowship program!


Application key dates

  • Applications open at 8:00 a.m. CT on Tuesday, Sep. 17, 2024
  • Applications close at noon CT on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024
  • Semifinalists receive email notification between Thursday, Nov. 21 and Monday, Nov. 25, 2024
  • Finalists receive email notification between Thursday, Feb. 27 and Tuesday, Mar. 4, 2025
  • Finalists in-person interviews between Thursday, Apr. 3 and Thursday, Apr. 10, 2025

Watch our webinars to hear how our staff members talk about the application process

Still have questions? We want to hear from you!

You are eligible for a Bush Fellowship if:

  • You are at least 24 years old at the time of the application deadline.
  • You are a resident of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota or one of the 23 Native nations that share the same geography.
  • You have lived in the region for at least one (1) continuous year before applying.

You are not eligible if:

  • You previously received a Bush Fellowship, Bush Artist Fellowship, Bush Leadership Fellowship, Bush Medical Fellowship or Enduring Vision Award.
  • You are a family member of a Bush Foundation staff member or board member. Family members include a spouse, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, child, grandchild, great grandchild and spouses of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

There are no specific citizenship requirements to be eligible for the Bush Fellowship. If a Fellow is not a U.S. citizen, the Foundation might be required to withhold income taxes on Fellowship payments and report such payments and withholdings to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Bush Foundation staff and board members, past Fellows and community leaders help us select Fellows each year. We base our selection on:

  • Written application. Note: There is one question that offers the option to submit either a written, audio or video response.
  • References for those who advance as semifinalists.
  • Interviews for those who advance as finalists.

Our selection process is rigorous and requires some time. We have tried to simplify the process by not asking for things we don’t need. Refer to the timeline section above for specific dates.

  • Bush Fellow alumni review all applications and select roughly 75 to advance as semifinalists.
  • Foundation staff members select up to 48 to advance as finalists.
  • Finalists interview with a panel of 8 community reviewers who are leaders from across the region. Formal background checks are conducted at this stage. If we learn something that could be an issue in your selection, we will reach out to you to understand the situation.
  • Up to 30 Bush Fellows are selected by the community reviewers.
  • Bush Fellows are celebrated and brought together for a kick-off retreat.
  • Bush Fellows are publicly announced.

Go to the online application, questions and selection criteria for all the details, as well as instructions for using the online form and recording and uploading audio or video.

We realize that online forms might be a barrier for some applicants. Please let us know if this is an issue for you. We will do our best to support you and will need time to do that. If you request is made within a week before applications close, our ability to support you is much more limited.

Be sure to have a current version of your resume ready. You will be asked to upload it. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is not needed.

Here are a few things to try as you prepare for the application:

  • Read your answers out loud. It makes a huge difference. Microsoft Word and other applications have a “dictate” feature that will read your writing back to you. Make sure your writing is as clear and simple as possible. We are not looking for great writing — we just want to understand the points you are making.
  • Get feedback on your application. Ask 2-3 people whose perspectives you value to be readers for you. They may notice things that you don’t.
  • Don’t over-edit. Revising written answers can be helpful — to a point. Too much editing can get further away from what you know. Trust your gut while being open to ways that help make your thinking clear.

Bush Fellowships are designed for maximum flexibility and can be used for a wide range and combination of experiences, including, tuition, conference registration, coaching, travel and living expenses.

No portion of the Fellowship can be directed to another person or organization or used to fund a business or program.

Here are some of the ways Fellows can use their funds:

  • Earn a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree or other professional credentials
  • Attend conferences and conventions within or outside of their current expertise and network
  • Build a network of colleagues and thought partners
  • Learn from successful organizations and initiatives and study effective change strategies
  • Take part in leadership programs
  • Seek and work with mentors
  • Get professional leadership coaching
  • Develop specific skills, like conflict resolution, coalition building, change management, facilitation, or communication skills
  • Connect with your cultural roots or family history to ground your leadership
  • Develop practices to sustain your leadership

IRS regulations restrict how certain government and elected officials can use their Fellowship. Visit Restrictions for Government Officials for more information.

Leadership reflection guide PDFs (print version or fillable version): Based on feedback we've heard from Fellows and applicants, we put together this reflection guide as a tool to help anyone exploring their leadership journey. This can be helpful if you decide to apply for a Fellowship, or it can just help you think about the impact you want to have as a leader.

Learning logs: We ask all Fellows to share periodic reflections and learnings throughout their leadership journey, and we publish them on our website. We hope it inspires others in their own journeys.

Stories: We publish online stories about Bush Fellows who are helping to make our region better for everyone. These go deeper than the typical profile and aim to demonstrate how they used their Fellowship — and what they learned — to think bigger and differently.

Learnings from staff: Through the years, our staff members have shared their own reflections and advice about the Bush Fellowship program.

Search our database: Find past and current Fellows. It’s a rich, living history of people leading change in the region.