Tami Sue Jollie-Trottier
2016 Bush Fellow
Psychologist Tami Jollie-Trottier knows that the arts offer a creative outlet for a young person to build self-confidence and cultural identity. Her goal is to create a beautiful and safe haven where the young people of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa can discover self-expression and connect with elders through the arts. With her Bush Fellowship, she will devote time to growing her knowledge of Native arts and expressive art therapy, and develop an art studio open to the community on her reservation.
Learning Logs
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My fellowship journey started exactly one year prior to applying. I found out about the fellowship opportunity and knew in my heart that it was…
Looking back on my fellowship year, I am amazed and grateful for the growth that I’ve experienced and at how much I have learned about…
How has your understanding of your leadership changed through the Fellowship to date? My personal views, opinions, and beliefs about my leadership role have dramatically…
As my fellowship journey comes to an end, I feel that I’ve grown in so many unexpected ways. I’m happy that I had no idea…