Dickinson State University
9 Grants from 2005 - 2018
Sponsorship of Rural Women on the Western Edge
Grants received
Sponsorship of Rural Women on the Western Edge
Sponsorship of Child Care Connections Events
For the Western North Dakota Energy Project to provide leaders and residents in Western North Dakota critical information about shale energy development that is foundational to smart decision-making
Evaluate community engagement and team leadership process underway in Western North Dakota to solve problems presented by rapid area growth due to the oil economy
Community Problem Solving - Oil and Sustainable Solutions: Convene community stakeholders to solve problems presented by rapid area growth due to the oil economy after conducting an inventory of effects of the oil/energy boom on community capacity to handle rapid growth, and exploring how other communities have dealt with a similar situations
Conduct up to five sessions in North Dakota communities where participants will learn about North Dakota data, increase connections to other citizens, generate ideas to address tough problems, and influence decisions in their state and communities
For the Bush Foundation Teacher Preparation and Effectiveness Initiative - Phase I
To strengthen community leadership, mobilize financial resources, engage and attract youth, and energize entrepreneurship of six communities and the Fort Berthold Reservation
To complete a plan for a regional Center for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization at Dickinson State University