Northern State University

6 Grants from 1990 - 2003

  • Total Amount Received: $915,000
  • Location: Aberdeen, SD

To support the second phase of a six-year effort to analyze the effectiveness of various pedagogical strategies and instructional technologies on student learning and retention

Grants received

$225,000 in 2003

  • Term: 53 Months

To support the second phase of a six-year effort to analyze the effectiveness of various pedagogical strategies and instructional technologies on student learning and retention

$300,000 in 2000

  • Term: 38 Months

To support faculty teams to study the impact of teaching methods and technology on student achievement

$20,000 in 1999

  • Term: 7 Months

To plan a program to develop faculty teaching teams and to expand the use of instructional technology

$180,000 in 1996

  • Term: 42 Months

To start an office of instructional support

$180,000 in 1992

  • Term: 44 Months

For a faculty development program grant

$10,000 in 1990

  • Term: 16 Months

Faculty development planning grant