Region Five Development Commission

5 Grants from 2011 - 2018

  • Total Amount Received: $325,000
  • Location: Staples, MN

To be a leader and learner as a member of Community Creativity Cohort 2, a 3-year participant-led capacity building effort to support organizations led by and serving people of color and Indigenous people, rural communities, and smaller cities and towns

Grants received

$100,000 in 2018

  • Term: 36 Months

To be a leader and learner as a member of Community Creativity Cohort 2, a 3-year participant-led capacity building effort to support organizations led by and serving people of color and Indigenous people, rural communities, and smaller cities and towns

$60,000 in 2017

  • Term: 38 Months

Supporting professional development and networking opportunities among Minnesota's rural economic development practitioners

$50,000 in 2014

  • Term: 20 Months

To work with 22 rural towns, cataloguing their assets using the Community Capitals Framework: a conceptual model for evaluating a community's overall health and capacity for community and economic development

$75,000 in 2012

  • Term: 14 Months

Training and support of 22 HUD Planning Champions and documentation of community-based stories regarding implementation

$40,000 in 2011

  • Term: 13 Months

Prototype a place-based Innovation site in central Minnesota to beta test the use of InCommons values and practices to solve tough community problems. Region Five will experiment and monitor their activities and share learnings on InCommons