Saint John’s University

7 Grants from 1989 - 2007

  • Total Amount Received: $3,570,263
  • Location: Collegeville, MN

For a matching grant toward the scholarship endowment portion of a capital campaign

Grants received

$1,000,000 in 2007

  • Term: 27 Months

For a matching grant toward the scholarship endowment portion of a capital campaign

$977,500 in 1996

  • Term: 30 Months

Toward construction and renovation of science buildings

$283,913 in 1993

  • Term: 48 Months

For a joint faculty development program at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

$1,000,000 in 1991

  • Term: 26 Months

To help build a new student center as part of the University's capital fund drive

$264,350 in 1990

  • Term: 36 Months

For a joint faculty development program at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

$34,500 in 1990

  • Term: 32 Months

For an evaluation of the joint faculty development program

$10,000 in 1989

  • Term: 12 Months

To support planning for a faculty development program