University of South Dakota
15 Grants from 1986 - 2020
Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care: Quality Conversations to guide End of Life decisions
Grants received
Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care: Quality Conversations to guide End of Life decisions
To lead a statewide effort to increase the number of residents who participate in Advanced Care Planning in order to ensure that families and health care providers know and respect the wishes and goals of individuals at the end-of-life
Attendance at the national Convening on Clinical Practice on November 14-15, 2011 in Washington, D.C.
One-time grant to enhance the capacity of the higher education partners to collect, compile, and analyze data. Permissible uses of the money include staffing, consultants, staff development, training, hardware, and/or software
Tribal Youth Governance Camp, August 1-4, 2011 in Vermilion, South Dakota
For the Bush Foundation Teacher Preparation and Effectiveness Initiative - Phase I
To build and implement a dramatically redesigned teacher preparation program that will develop and guarantee the effectiveness of 200 teachers annually
To improve teaching and learning in the first year curriculum
To establish a permanent, comprehensive center for faculty development with programs in interdisciplinary and computer assisted teaching, undergraduate research, and student advising
To survey faculty interests in rebuilding the liberal arts curriculum
For a faculty development program
For a faculty development program
For a faculty development planning grant
To develop a medical information system for the state of South Dakota
To support a faculty development program