Xavier University of Louisiana
10 Grants from 1985 - 2005
For recovery for victims of Hurricane Katrina at Xavier University
Grants received
For recovery for victims of Hurricane Katrina at Xavier University
To prepare students to work in teams in the modern workplace by encouraging faculty and student collaborative research and teaching projects
For a collaborative model of teaching and learning throughout the curriculum to create college-wide workshops and institutes and for the establishment of teaching, technology, and research communities
Toward an addition to a science building
To improve faculty teaching skills, assessment of student learning, research skills, and use of technology
For a Writing Across the Curriculum program, small grants for curriculum revision and research, an annual Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching award, and a faculty development newsletter
Toward the building projects in your current capital fund drive
For a Writing Across the Curriculum program, small grants for curriculum revision and research, an annual Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching award, and a faculty development newsletter
For a Bush-Hewlett faculty development planning grant
Toward the construction costs of a new science center