North Dakota State University

Report date
September 2016

What has been most instrumental to your progress?

The Bush Community Innovative Administrative (BCIA) Team became a formal team with members from Cankdeska Cikana Community College (CCCC) and North Dakota State University School of Nursing (NDSU SON). The purpose of this collaborative team is to manage, implement, and evaluate the overall grant activities. The first team meeting was held in June 2015 and the team decided to initiate the activities after high school started in the fall because school was not in session during the summer and it would be difficult to convene the Community Stakeholder Group (CSG). Additionally, the Community Stakeholder Committee (CSC) was established and membership includes: District Judge, Associate Judge, Juvenile Court, BIA police, lawyer, Tribal Health Council Chairperson and members, Tribal Health Director, high school principals and superintendents, high school councilors, Director of Student Success, Director of Employment and Training, public health nurse, Spirit Lake Casino, CCCC President, CCCC Next Steps Director, CCCC Next Steps Assistant Director, CCCC Job Placement Specialist, CCCC GED Director, CCCC Professional Tutor- GED, CCCC TRIO, CCCC Board of Regents, CCCC faculty and staff.

Other key elements of Community Innovation

We have brought in our knowledge, experience and resources from the Next Steps Program (Health Professions Occupations Grant) and the University and Community Partnership Health Professional Health Occupations Grant. For example, we have extensive data from the students enrolled in the Next Steps Program which include students from across the state plus all the data collected through the University and Community Partnership Health Professional Health Occupations Grant.

Understanding the problem

Additional clarity as been provided through the CSC discussion at the meetings. For example, members discussed student homelessness and the lack of food for youth especially on the weekends. High School principals discussed that they realize some of the students may have little food to eat over the weekend so they serve a larger breakfast a the school on Monday mornings. Their knowledge of the students and community issues strengthened this project. Additionally clarity will come as we get further along with the project.

If you could do it all over again...

Be prepared for the amount of time that it will take to implement a community project. Also through my time working with the Next Steps Program, CCCC and Spirit Lake Nation, I have learned that things will happen when they are meant to. By taking your time and being flexible, the end outcome is usually a much better product.

One last thought

Nothing more that this time. Thank you again for funding this work.