South Central Dakota Regional Council

Report date
November 2016

What has been most instrumental to your progress?

Community discussions are scheduled in all 9 counties and 4 out of the 9 meetings have been completed. These are are an important data gathering tool.
Questionnaire was created on current needs of the community Via paper and Survey Monkey. This is a very important tool to collect data from those able or unable to attend the community conversations.
Ordinances have been adopted in 3 jurisdictions, 3 jurisdictions are in the final stages. This is an important step for the communities to take to improve building codes and building code enforcement.

Key lessons learned

Consistent staff is imperative to keep the work and research a continuous flow. SCDRC has endeavored to keep this flow going, however the changes the organization has been subject to over the past year has hindered the process.

Reflections on inclusive, collaborative or resourceful problem-solving

Collaborative - Our focus on inclusiveness has resulted in a collaborative effort. The communities' key stakeholders including those that have adopted ordinances have joined together to discuss the issues, give their opinions and current building code status.

Understanding the problem

The process has enlightened SCDRC to the hurdles and risks that could happen by implementing a building inspector position within our region through the SCDRC. Concerns regarding the liability for the program have been expressed by stakeholders.

If you could do it all over again...

Continue to move the project forward. Keep any lag time minimal to keep the public engaged in the process.

One last thought

We haven't reached a stage in the process where some of the original budgeted line items would be utilized as originally foreseen.